

Session Software

NAMM Recap: Session Software, Flooding, and Stevie Wonder

Tuesday, February 21st, 2017 • Posted in: News, Opinion, RADAR, Session Software, tecktalk, tradeshow

We sent Rob, our Session Software guru, down to the NAMM show to demo our brand new software, Session. Turns out it was his first ever NAMM show! We asked him to share some of his thoughts and experiences. We’re…

What is the next computer for the audio professional?

Wednesday, January 11th, 2017 • Posted in: Computer, Opinion, RADAR, Tips and Tricks

Are Conventional Choices The Way Forward? Audio professionals have some “must-have” requirements. They must be reliable, fast and robust. Until recently, Apple Mac computers have, for the most part, been the defacto-assumed computer for the recording studio. More recently, even…

Why One Pro Tools Professional Is Ditching His Mac

Saturday, November 5th, 2016 • Posted in: Computer, Opinion, RADAR, Tips and Tricks

In a recent Tape Op article sound engineer John Baccigaluppi talks about taking a hammer to his computer. A long time Mac user he writes; “Several years ago, I wrote an End Rant [Tape Op #102] about my frustration with software…

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